Shelley’s research has at its core her own glass-making practice. Her PhD research focused on the role of ‘technology’ within craft practice. The research interest lies in developing an approach that makes appropriate and sensitive use of ‘technology’ to expand rather than displace existing skills. Evolving PhD research outcomes were investigated through practice and collaborative case-studies, supported by an experimental approach.
The work explores the potential for Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing tools and ways in which the skills associated with their use may become embedded within the craft practitioner’s repertoire. The research explores the limits of digital practice in terms of process parameters and material outcomes as well as raising and responding to questions concerning creativity and authenticity within digital practice.
Shelley’s research interests include the significance of the act of making and its impact upon creativity and well-being for maker; and the impact upon the ‘consumer’ of the crafted artefact.
Shelley is currently developing the research beyond her own practice and the medium of glass; and finding routes to apply and adapt findings within educational and industrial contexts.
Here is a link to my research profile.