Shelley is a glass maker and researcher. The material qualities of glass continue to be a source of inspiration and fascination. Over-arching interests include the interaction of glass and light and the way in which form and finish delineate space and mediate our experience.
Having learnt techniques including glass blowing, casting and the delights of cold-working, it is the process of lost-wax casting that captured her imagination. It is a technique which affords enormous scope for expression.
Inspiration is drawn from the experience of innumerable details and textures encountered every day. Today through the sense of touch of lichen and rock, the fleeting scent of gorse, the rhythm of waves and glint of sunlight on water.
Through her work Shelley seeks to find a resonance, a remembrance of sensual experience; a locus for the body as well as for the mind and the eye. She draws upon pattern both for form and for texture and exploits the qualities of glass and its response to light, the effect of relief details to model with colour and light.
Shelley produces glass for a variety of contexts, applications and scale. The work is currently available on a commission basis, with a range of 'ready-made' lighting in development.
There is an ongoing process of development of new designs and ideas.
Enquiries are always welcome.